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How to find the efficiency rating on your boiler

Having a boiler with a high-efficiency rating can help save a significant amount on your heating bills. Heating your home contributes 60% towards your heating bills, therefore, the higher the energy efficiency, the lower your bills will be. In this blog, we go through how you can find out how efficient your boiler is. 

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boiler efficiency rating

What is a Boiler Efficiency Rating?

Let's define a boiler efficiency rating before getting into the details. It is a measurement of the amount of energy that your boiler successfully transforms into heat. Typically, it is expressed as a percentage, with a higher percentage signifying greater effectiveness.

Why is Boiler Efficiency Important?

It's essential to know your boiler's efficiency rating for a number of reasons:

Cost savings

A boiler that is more efficient will require less fuel to create the same quantity of heat, lowering energy costs.

Environmental Impact

Lower greenhouse gas emissions due to increased efficiency reduce your carbon footprint.

Home Comfort

A reliable boiler keeps your home's temperature comfortable and stable.

Boiler Servicing and Maintenance

Knowing how efficiently your boiler operates can assist you in knowing when to service or repair it.

How can I determine the efficiency of my boiler?  

Many boilers come along with a label with the efficiency rating printed on it. You can also find the rating on the package that your new boiler arrived in. If you have an older boiler and have peeled off the label, you can still find the efficiency rating. 

Locating the Efficiency Rating

Finding your boiler's efficiency rating is a simple process. Take these actions:

Step 1: Consult the Manual

The boiler's user manual should be your first port of call. Efficiency data is frequently provided by manufacturers in the product documentation.

Step 2: Look for the Data Label

Find the data label for the boiler, which is typically attached to the casing. The efficiency rating and other pertinent details regarding the appliance are listed on the label.

Step 3: Determine the Type of Boiler

There are various types of boilers, including combi, system, and conventional. Make sure you are aware of the type you have because each one may have a different rating for efficiency.

Step 4: Determine Efficiency

In some circumstances, the data label will explicitly state the efficiency rating. If not, you can figure it out using the boiler's manual's easy formulae.

Understanding Boiler Efficiency Ratings

Boiler efficiency ratings are stated as a percentage and are classified as follows:

A-rated: 90% or more - Highly efficient boilers that lose very little energy.

B-rated: 86% to 90% - These boilers are still efficient but could be improved.

C-rated: 82% to 86% - Moderately efficient boilers that can benefit from modifications.

D-rated: 78% to 82% - Less efficient boilers that may be nearing the end of their useful life.

E-rated: 74% to 78% - Low-efficiency boilers that should be replaced or upgraded.

G-rated: less than 70% - The least efficient boilers, which are possibly old and should be replaced.

Tips to Improve Boiler Efficiency

Aside from routine maintenance, you can improve the efficiency of your boiler by doing the following:

Install a Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to create heating schedules, ensuring your home is warm when it is needed while also lowering excessive energy waste.

Improve Insulation

Properly insulate your property to avoid heat loss, allowing your boiler to work less hard to compensate.

Bleed Radiators

Bleeding your radiators releases trapped air, allowing hot water to move freely and more efficiently heat your home.

Use a Timer

Set your boiler to turn on and off at specified times to correspond with your daily schedule, reducing the amount of time it runs when not required.

Consider Smart Controls

Smart heating controls allow you to remotely manage your heating and fine-tune settings for increased efficiency.

What happens if I can't discover the model number?  

Understanding and enhancing your boiler's efficiency is critical for both your wallet and the environment. Regular boiler servicing by skilled heating engineers ensures that your boiler operates at peak efficiency, giving constant warmth and comfort while keeping your energy expenditures under control. Don't hesitate to contact us if you require skilled boiler servicing or heating solutions. 

To make an appointment with our heating engineers, please call us at 0800 246 1041 or 07712 172 171, or email us at Our heating engineers in Medway, Dartford and Gravesend are here to help with any boiler services you require.