Our expert advice on any plumbing and heating requirements you may have

The Ultimate Gas Safety Tips [NEW]

Gas appliances fitted incorrectly or not taken care of properly can lead to leaks and other issues that can be dangerous. This can be avoided by following a few simple gas safety tips from our heating engineers across Gravesend, Medway and Dartford. 

gas safety tips

Our Gas Safety Tips

Install a CO Alarm 

When carbon-based fuel like gas, oil and coal a burnt inefficiently they can release a dangerous gas such as Carbon Monoxide (CO). Even though these fuels are safe to use they can pose a risk when not burned properly. 

When CO enters the body, it prevents blood from transporting oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs. 

Because CO is odourless, it can be really difficult to detect it without a CO alarm, which is why it is critical to recognise the symptoms of CO poisoning. These include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of concision

Having a carbon monoxide alarm in your home can help save you and your family. It works by detecting any signs of dangerous gas and alerts you to get your gas appliance checked by a qualified heating engineer as soon as possible. 

Have ventilation

It is critical to ensure that any appliances that use gas have enough ventilation to perform correctly. Check that your house's air vents or chimneys are not obstructed. If they are blocked, they can prevent air from moving throughout your home. Not only that, but it also contributes to a better living environment as it prevents dust from building up. 

Hire a qualified installer

At BCU Plumbing, we always recommend hiring a Gas Safe registered engineer to carry out any services involving your gas appliances. You will be glad to know that we are Gas Safe registered and are fully trained & qualified to carry out boiler service checks throughout Gravesend, Medway and Dartford.  

If the heating engineer you hire is not Gas Safe registered, it means they are not certified to offer any gas services. Boiler servicing should only be performed by a qualified professional, and this is even more important if you are a landlord. 

Want to know more?

Call our professional gas engineers on 07712 172171 and we will be happy to help with any boiler servicing that you may require.